"The wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out for the spell
Find the door to the promised land
Just believe in yourself"
Sorry, still no pics coming. Computers in far north Queensland are more or less archaic. I'm adding this entry just to let you know I am still alive after some close encounters with Australian wildlife. Oh, this is also 8th day now that I am outside of cellphone reception in case someone has tried to call me.
Whats up then? In Cooktown I had very close encounter with the most venomous snake in entire world, Taipan. As I was walking down from Grassy Hill there and rounded a corner, there it was. Right smack in middle of the road, well over 2m Coastal Taipan. Didnt get pic since the snake rushed to bushes as I performed an astonishing 5m leap backwards! Needless to say my heart was racing entire day after that. Event reached 9.9 on my "scary-shit" -meter.
After Cooktown I was originally planning to go straight to Port Douglas but for some reason I decided to stay 5-nights in Cape Tribulation, about 50km north from Port Douglas. This turned out to be fantastic detour! This place is amazingly beautiful, easily the most beautiful place I have ever visited, ever. First time walking to that beach I felt like someone placed a panoramic painting in front of me until I realised ocean and trees were moving, it was real. My original plan was to do some bushwalking here, but I ended up discarding that plan. Instead I found perfect place on the beach for my hammock and just lied there for 2 days watching the amazing beach and view.
As it turned out my close encounters with wildlife didn't end with Taipan. On sunday I took a walk to Emmagren Gorge(8km) and as I was walking back in the bushes I stumbled on this giant Cassowary and its 2 babies. Now, to those who don't know, Cassowary is second largest bird in entire planet after Ostrich, they are larger than Emus! Cassowary is also listed as the world's most dangerous bird to humans because it is capable of inflicting serious and fatal injuries with its sharp beak and legs. They are known to be highly aggressive towards humans especially when protecting their babies. So...there I was, 10m from worlds most dangerous bird ready to protect its siblings. Bird just looked massive and horribly menacing as it started to slowly walk toward me. I admit, I wasn't brave enough to stay there, grab camera and get photo. Instead I ran away and set new 200m world record. It didn't follow me so I waited for like 10mins, went back and it was gone by then.
Below is an image of Cassowary, just try to imagine Emu-size bird 10m away from you looking like that and walking toward you(no, pic is not taken by me).
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