"So much to live for
So much to die for
If only my heart had a home"
Weird, when I left Finland July 2nd I honestly thought idea of going back home would enter my mind every now and then. I was prepared for that and knew what I needed to brush off such silly ideas. Well, it took me 79 days before that I would have those thoughts in my mind for the first time...and they didn't stay there for long :)
I think the reason was the Whitsundays. I felt so good and complete after it. I have done lot of self-searching on this trip, much more than what I have written in this blog, and issues are becoming so much clearer all the time. I know now what I will do when I get back home. I am starting to see what is Me and what are the things that define Me...and let me say that I am partially surprised myself :) Its weird how things seem so much clearer when taking distance from everything. That being said...no, I am not coming home just yet, no home-sickness yet, but I know now what adventures wait for me back home in Finland next year...and I am really looking forward to them as well.
Now that we got "shrinktalk" away, on with the journey. What's going on since Whitsundays? After Whitsundays my original plan was to go down south to Rockhampton and from there to Great Keppel Island for few days. Well, I scrapped that plan since I felt I needed break from beaches and from the main tourist route so instead of beach, I headed to cattle farm 125km inland from Rockhampton. I had been spending so many days now on the coast so I wanted to do something different before last stretch in Australia. Yea, it was very different experience.

I stayed at Myella farm for 3 days and 2 nights. In that time I learned to ride motorbike, ride horses, use a whip properly and improved my Didgeridoo skills. I also managed to take some nice pics of various wildlife in that area. First we have some kangaroos.

Here we have 3 Treefrogs(yes, they are alive and breathing animals, not statues)

That last pic is the famous Redback Spider, member of the Black Widow spider family(Black Widow's are the ones where female eats male after sex). It IS one of the most deadly spiders in entire Australia. This spider wasn't there on display or anything, people in farm actually found it one day about 200m from farm making a web inside barrel, so it was 100% wild.

Right now I am in small town called Agnes Waters, about 2h south from Rockhampton and still 500km north from Brisbane. This town is actually the starting point of the Great Barrier Reef, it starts here so I figured I might as well see the Reef one last time tomorrow. I am going on this "Advanced Snorkel" cruise at the outer reef, supposedly tougher waters than normal reef and only recommended for good swimmers...lets hope I am one. Town is also famous for its surfing, since this is northernmost place in east coast where there are good enough waves for surfing. Surfing lessons are also very cheap here, 20 dollars for 2h so I might take one.
Thats all for now...hope someone still reads this thing :P
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