"I've crossed the deserts for miles
Swam water for time
Searching places to find
A piece of something to call mine"
Stranded in desert!
Well, I got more than I bargained for when I decided to head to Cape Leveque, northernmost point of Kimberley. On ride back coach broke down, some electrical problems and we were stranded in Outback desert for 5 hours. In almost any other civilized country this wouldnt be problem but we are in Australia. That means we were 100km from nearest settlement and 100km from nearest cellphone reception. Addition, coach had satellite phone but phone wasnt working.
So all we could do was to wait roadside while it was getting dark and cold(we were definetly not prepared for nighttime conditions in desert). Road we were in wasn't sealed and it most certainly wasnt in active use. After about hour there a car did pass us, we gave them phone number to call with instructions. I believe it took them about 1.5 hours to get to reception area and call for help. After that the tour company organized replacement coach which arrived almost 5 hours after our coach had broke down. I was suppose to be back at hostel at 18:00 but it was closer to 23:00 when I got there.
Other than the fact that it started to get really cold there, it was quite a fun experience. We just chatted inside tyhe coach trying to keep spirit up and most got to know one another really well.
Oh...some jerk had stolen my mobile phone charger and usb charger from my room during that day. I mean wtf?! Those things are not even valuable and they have European electric sockets which means whoever stole them, cant even use them without adaptor! No big loss financially but annoying as hell cause now I have to head to Broome town and buy new ones from Target. I guess I am slowly learning that when you are traveling and not on holiday, things don't always go as planned and there are tons of unexpected problems on the road. Well, thats life down here. No worries.
3 kommenttia:
Heh, heti kun näin kuvat, ajattelin "toivottavasti jollakulla on satelliittipuhelin. Good Luck."
Pistäs muuten infoa, mistä aina kirjoitat blogia. Nettikahvilasta? Hotellin aulasta? jne
Varmasti mesta vaihtelee usein.
Ai mistä kirjoitan? Tällä hetkellä hostellin baarista olut kädessä ipodista. Noi päivitykset kuitenkin pääasiassa hostellien internet-huoneista.
Tää ipod touch on aivan jumalainen laite reisussa. Sillä hoituu kaikki majoitusvarauksista lentolippujen ostoon.
Einolla kävin tänään pelaamassa XBOXilla ja vein vähän safkaa mukana.
Ihan hyvässä hapessa henkisesti, ottaen huomioon, kuinka paljon joa tässä vaiheessa voisi vituttaa...
H (edelleen)
PS. onx Yoda vielä voinut pahoin? :)
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