"Fly to a dream
Far across the sea
All the burdens gone
Open the chest once more"
14 hour bus trip to Kununurra was surprisingly easy. We stopped every 3 hours or something to have 10-15 minute break which helped a lot. Couldn't get any sleep though, chair was just killing my back all the time. Also, I met this italian girl, Evelyn, already in Broome few days earlier and she took same bus so I had someone to chat with.
It's 3rd week of my trip and before I came to Kununurra I haven't really partied that much. Went out couple of times in Broome but had only like 2-3 beers on those nights. Until I came to Kununurra...
Met 2 british guys on first day, Dan and Adam, and its been just constant drinking after that with some other british peeps in hostel. Otherwise this hostel here has loads of seasonal workers from Korea and France. Well, Koreans don't really speak with us and they swarm the kitchen each night so we have to cook dinner well before them. French...I mean come on, only words any French can say in english is "I surrender!" so there is not much communicating with them.
Otherwise I really like Kununurra. I was expecting problems with aboriginals here, but no such issues. Surprisingly lot of tourists obviously using this place as a stopover on road to Darwin(or to Broome). Hidden Valley national park just few kilometers from town was bloody amazing, really spectacular place. Nightlife here is very nice, there is basically just one bar, located in Hotel Kununurra, where everyone gathers at evening. Only problem here is the insane heat(34 in shade) and the annoying bushfires nearby which bring smoke to city.
Tomorrow I'm off to Darwin with another long bus trip. Should arrive there around 22:30 local time.
Finally some pics from Kununurra and Hidden Valley national park.
1 kommentti:
Aikamoiset maisemat! :-D
- Janne
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