"Distance is covering my way,
Tears my memory
All this beauty is killing me"
Just before I came to Brisbane I realised I hadn't actually been in big city for almost 3 months(I dont really count Darwin or Cairns as cities), which is very very long time for someone who has lived his entire life so far in big city. What was also weird was that didn't have any longing for big city life. So with mixed emotions I arrived at Brisbane on monday evening, after some hassle managed to settle in to Chill Backpackers quite close to Transit Center and downtown. View from their rooftop balcony was quite nice ;)

Well, big city didn't turn out to be so bad experience after all. It was actually scary how easily I was able to get back into hectic city life because Brisbane is VERY hectic city. Like some aussie told me in Fraser Island, "its business city" and it shows. Huge modern 30-story office buildings dominate the skyline while most street corners have wine bars instead of normal pubs. Yes, Brisbane is clearly identifying itself as more poshy, classy and stylistic city. One can argue if such thing makes city nice, but it DOES give Brisbane lot of character and uniqueness and that I like. I like when place has its own style and identity, and Brisbane has that.
Here are 2 pics of Brissy, first during day and 2nd during night.

So what was I doing there for 4 full days? Well, first 2 days I just spent walking a lot. I walked and walked all over city just to get feeling and grab some pictures. Also to scout some shops where I could update my T-shirts, its been now almost 3.5 months that I have been forced to choose between 4 same T-shirts so it was time to say goodbye to few and buy new ones. I also found amazing bookstore where I grabbed last 2 books of the Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons.
3rd and 4th day were happy reunion days. When I arrived on monday to Brissy I got message from Sanna and Susse(girls from Whitsunday trip) that they are coming to Brissy on wednesday as well so we arranged meet on a brewery tour to XXXX-brewery on Thursday. Was really great to see them again and had great time drinking all the free beer after tour :)

...on way back there was quite a nice sunset(no, sky is not on fire, its sunset).

Last day Frankie and Becky arrived to Brissy so I went out with them to do some shopping, beer drinking and when sun was getting down we decided to catch a movie at the historical Regent theatre. Movie we chose was Mummy 3...wasnt good :(
So now I am in Byron Bay for next 3 days. First impression? Well, town is full of partying 20-year olds, just exactly the kind of people I am desperately trying to avoid all the time. Nonetheless, even after just 2h here I understand what the fuss about Byron Bay is. This town has lots of charm, identity and characteristics. So far I actually find myself quite enjoying this town(not its people though...) and there seems to be heaps of things to do here(surfing, bushwalking, swimming, surfing, skydiving, surfing,...). One must thing to do here is to take day trip to Nimbin which I'm planning to do on Monday...but more about that place on next entry ;)
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