"How can I ever feel again?
Given the chance would I return?"
It doesn't get more paradise than this.

I have now been in Tonga for 8 days and feeling is still bizarre. I still don't really understand that I AM actually here, almost 19 000km away from home, middle of South Pacific. Life and environment here is so different from home, so different from anything I have ever seen.
Biggest highlight of the week(if not even entire trip) was the whale watching on tuesday. It's getting to be the end of the whale watchign season here so as we stumbled on 2 whales(mother and baby) we just sticked with them cause they were so playful with us. Baby was such a showoff as pictures can tell.

Now, if seeing this massive whale breaching water 30m from boat wasnt cool enough, we went snorkeling into the water with them as well...THAT was COOL! Seeing this massive, giant animal up close in water where visibility was around 50 meters was just stunning! We were snorkeling literally 10m from the mother at one point and feeling was just awesome, you don't realize the size of these creatures until you are in water with them, it was just mindboggling.
On same trip we also visited pretty cool place called Mariner's Cave. Its a cave inside wall of rock and only entrance is 4m long tunnel 3m below surface. We did it without scuba gear and dive was quite exciting since I basically couldn't see where I was going cause of darkness. But the view inside cave...omg, only light was light coming from the entrance tunnel and that made the cave so eerie but beautiful at same time.
Yesterday, thursday, I took day trip to Ofu island. I was told there was ferry service to Ofu daily and as I got to Old Harbour all sweating there was only one ancient "bathtub" boat made from wood that looked like it would sink any second. Well, I was approached by man who said "yea, this is the ferry". Ok...I survived trip and spent day snorkeling, swimming and kayaking in paradise island of Ofu.

Tomorrow, saturday, I am heading of to the least populated island group of Tonga called Haapai. Planning to spend something like 5-7 days there, depends really on situation in island. Problem is that because Tonga hasn't been getting fuel shipments in few weeks, ferries are not traveling from main island to outer islands which means supplies are running low here on Vavau and apparently on Haapai as well. So if living there starts to resemble more or less a typical episode of Survivor, then I might as well take flight back to main island few days earlier. Oh well...we will see, luckily traveler don't have to make decisions too early here, nearly everything can be booked 1 day before.
Tonight peeps are heading to harbour to watch weekly yacht race in Port Refuge harbour. Not sure yet if I am going to volunteer for any ship or just sit in bar and watch them racing.
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