sunnuntai 29. kesäkuuta 2008


Here I will try to keep list of all accomodations I have been in or where I have current bookings. Link to this page is also on left side navigation under "On the Road".

Perth 4.7 - 9.7: Witch's Hat
Broome 10.7 - 17.7: Beaches Of Broome
Kununurra 18.7 - 20.7: Kimberley Croc
Darwin 21.7 - 26.7: Elke's Backpackers
Kakadu 27.7 - 28.7: Wilderness
Darwin 29.7 - 1.8: Elke's Backpackers
Ghan Train 2.8: Seat in train :)
Alice Springs 3.8: Alice Lodge
Uluru 4.8-5.8: Camping under stars :)
Desert Venture to Cairns 6.8-8.8: Various locations in Outback

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