Day 122
"And before you know
You're feeling old
And your heart is breaking
Don't hold on to the past
Well that's too much to ask"
It's now start of my 3rd week in Kingdom Of Tonga and already this has been an experience beyond my imagination. The true traveler culture that was so difficult to find in Australia is here, alive and well. Most if not all people are solo travelers, all looking for something different, something beyond the beaten tourist trail. One would think, that by using less than 300 euros for return trip to South Pacific Paradise from Sydney, this place would be crowded like hell...but no, I think Vava'u had about 30-40 tourists in island total and Haapai(where I am now) has 10-15.
That being said, I have just returned to Lifuka, main island of Haapai group, from island of Uoleva where I spent 4 days and 3 nights. Uoleva is the island made famous by Madventures in their season 1. Its truly a deserted island without any tourists, any electricity and any running water. Just beach, palm trees, ocean, stars and bonfire after sunset...paradise. Funny, owner of the place in Uoleva still very clearly remembers summer 2001, when 13 finnish people stayed in his resort for 2 weeks, got drunk every single evening, had massive fight where one girl hit his boyfriend in the head with empty glass bottle, asked him to shoot a bat so they could eat it, etc. ;)
Other than chilling on hammock and reading book, there wasn't anything to do in Uoleva, allthough I liked it that way. Have had plenty of duracell activity in Vava'u so I was more than ready to just chill for few days and swim in crystal clear turqoise waters.
So now I'm back in Pan'ga, capital of Haapai group for 2 more days before heading back to main island of Tongatapu on saturday. Then its another 4 days there before my flight leaves to New Zealand on wednesday.
PS. Don't know when I will be able to upload more pics, might be in Auckland next week.
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1 kommentti:
Hieno matkakertomus. Hakkaa totisesti Amazing Race ym. korvikkeet. Sujuvaa matkaa sulle ja hyvää terveyttä! Monen laista lienet nähnyt. Onkohan tässä maailmassa jossakin reuna, miltä näyttää?
Ok, suomalaiset siis jää mieleen siellä. Vaikka sulla ei taida olla meille tyypillistä epäsosiaalisuutta blogin tarinoista päätellen.(Mitä häh, tunnetaanhan me muutenkin.. Täällä taas yks synkkä esimerkki kirjoittaa.)
Terveiset pimeän ja ankean syksyn keskeltä,
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