We are on our way. Everything so far has gone according to plan, no hiccups yet.
London was...rainy, windy, full of scammers and underground didn't work. No wonder I haven't missed it during last 12 years and I won't miss it for next 12 years either. Other than that it turned out to be fantastic idea to spend day in London. Basically I just went to downtown with underground(trip lasted almost 2h btw) and walked around to see all major attractions, after that a pint in a pub at Soho adult district :))
I would avoid Heathrow airport in future as much as possible, unless it would offer cheapest flights away from Europe. That place is chaos. Its hot and sweaty even if outside temperature is well below 20. There is no room to rest or sleep. Security checkpoints don't work, they just can't take enough people in so there are huge queues everywhere. All in all, terrible place. Other nexus airport in Europe, Amsterdam, is better by mile.
And then it was the huge 13h flight to Singapore which I had been dreading since usually I cannot sleep in airplane so these long flights can get incredibly tough. Well, this time was different. Even though flight was by far shakiest 747 flight I have ever been in, I managed to sleep over half the flight. I guess all the walking in London had really exhausted me.
So now I am in Changi airport in Singapore. Oh...my...God! This place has to be seen, its just incredible complex what they have created here. Not only is this airport comfortable and beautiful, it has tons of reclining chairs, couches to sleep in, lot of floorspace with soft mattresses to just lie down and sleep. Its also spacious and cool. What else? Oh yes, this place even has free movie theaters for passengers, just incredible. Just take a look:
Now its about 5h till plane leaves to Perth. I still need to get some sleep since plane lands at 7am to Perth and to shake off jetlag, I really need to stay up next day till about 19-20 in the evening.
4 kommenttia:
I hope you didn't bring any hubba bubba. ^^ They don't like it in Singapore. - Janne
juu, toi singaporen kenttä on erinomainen. löytyy saunat, punttikset, sushibaarit, mukavia tuoleja jne jne. pariin kertaan tullut käytyä. -pyry
Janne: Joo, laitoin ahteriin ja oli sen verran lammin lento etta sinne suli. Nyt on pooppiminen vahan hankalaa :S
Pyry: Niin, melkein kaikilla muilla kentilla tehdaan nukkuminen tai edes makoilu kaytannossa mahdottomaksi penkki-designien takia. Singaporen kentan penkit suorastaan kutsuvat nukkumaan.
Singapore Shangi came second this year..
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